High-Cost Tuition Fees: Absence of Human Rights?

5 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash

International human rights law was formed in order to protect, fulfill, promote and respect human rights. The fulfillment of human rights is a responsibility which is borne by the state. The failure to carry out one of the state’s obligations is a violation of human rights, both classified as human rights violations of civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights. One form of human rights violations also occurs in the world of education, namely the high cost so it does not fulfill all human rights.

Expensive tuition fees is clearly violate human rights because they are not suitable with the mandate of the constitution contained in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 31 paragraphs (1) and (2). And also in Law №39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Article (12) “Every person has the right to protection for his personal development, to obtain an education, educate themself, and improve his quality of life so that he becomes a person of faith, piety, responsibility, morality, happiness, and prosperity in accordance with human rights.” Quality human resources can only be realized with quality education. Quality of education is education that is able to develop positive potentials that are latent in students. With the quality of education, education produces potential young workers who are tough and ready to compete in the world job community.

Education is one of the rights mentioned in the 1945 Constitution. This is a right that must be fulfilled by the state, education as a right is a goal that is thought by the founders of the nation. Education is an important thing in a country not only at this time but is a goal that is aspired. The importance of education as a right has actually been realized by the founders of the nation, even before Indonesia’s independence. They have a belief that education is able to be a tool and means of nation transformation. That is why, the founders of the nation have been active in education and many choose the path of education as one of the levels of struggle. It is not strange if then education becomes one of the rights referred to in the 1945 Constitution as the constitution resulting from independence. This is one of the important moments which confirms that education is the right of citizens. Straightforward statement about the rights of citizens also shows the great commitment of the founders of the nation to the education of its citizens which means that education as a right is something written in state documents from the beginning of this country. Education as a right is not something that has just emerged recently, let alone something that is ‘imported from the West’.

Lately, we easily find advertisements for new student admissions in various universities both public and private through print and electronic media. Each university competes to show its superiority. Naturally, all responsible parents would want their sons and daughters to have the best education. Generally, for those who want to enter a state university but are not successful, private universities are their last choice. Even so, the high cost of education in private and state universities makes parents miserable. For those who have the capacity of a capable brain but not enough money for tuition, forced to hang their hopes. In fact, a lot happened around me that eventually canceled setting foot in the college he wanted even though he had graduated. Again, this is because tuition fees are not affordable for all groups.

Then what about private college? Most private universities set tuition fees which are quite suffocating for those who have a mediocre economy. This causes those who come from that group to just hang their dreams without ever enjoying college in the best private universities. The tuition fees for these private tertiary institutions start from the very expensive, quite expensive, and relatively expensive categories. This expensive education fee is accompanied by the large number of Indonesians who have economies below the poverty line so that they no longer care or add more attention to the importance of education for the nation’s integrity.

This is a fact that has happened outside the control of most Indonesian people. However, behind the complaints, the spirit to study still remains and is burning, they even looking for a solution in facing this reality.

From my point of view, high tuition fees will have negative consequences. Because, students and parents of students will think about “returning capital” after the college phase, which is toxic. For example if this happens to medical students that we know they have the most expensive tuition fees touching hundreds of millions of rupiah, it can produce commercial doctors which is suitable with ethics in the medical world. Besides all the expensive details of tuition fees that violate human rights, but can be minimized such as the provision of scholarships, this is due to the existence of low-income parents. Then the government curriculum policy that is, there is a low cost for those who are middle-low class.

Human rights are basic rights carried by humans from birth and cannot be contested. in education ham is an important instrument that must be enjoyed by every human being, in Indonesia itself education is a written order in the constitution, that the State guarantees providing proper education for citizens, in Indonesia this right is recognized and guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution. the state in education is outlined in the articles in the 1945 Constitution, which is “educating the life of the nation” As stated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution even though it is as explained above that education is one of the main problems faced by the nation itself. The state has a great responsibility to respect, fulfill, and protect the human rights of all citizens. Therefore there is no reason to deny the fulfillment of the right to Indonesian education.

Thus, education in the perspective of human rights is a right that must be upheld as high as possible because with good quality education, can advance science and enhance the dignity of the nation.




i let myself methaporically naked through the words.